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Labels of Artists

[if IE]> <![endif][if IE]> <![endif]Inspiration From My Inner Artist

StartFragmentMany people ask what makes an artist an artist. Now this is a tough question to answer as there are many answers to this question based on the type of artist you are asking it to. Artists, male or female, have a unique way of portraying ones self. Most people when they think of artist are, and I quote from numerous encounters, "tree huggers" , "hippies", "vegetarians" (yes I get that label), "protesters", etc. We get a lot of negative labels based on what others hear from family, friends, acquaintances, etc. What these people do not realize is artists can be whoever they choose to be, which may be nothing like the above labels. Why do I bring this up this Thanksgiving Day? Well, as I had the day off from my three jobs, I was chatting with a friend who is, for lack of a better term and/or phrase, pissed at how stereotyping society has become. No one asks questions any more. No one sees beyond what they are told based on others. No one cares to want to know others because they are all afraid of the answers they will receive. Artists, are creative individuals who may be people who care about the environment but they also see beyond what is causing the environment to diminish. Artist could be vegetarians as they are also carers of animals, big and small. Artists can be protesters as we support the rights and privileges of races, nationalities, support causes of various importance, etc. However, artists are also business people, law enforcers, educators, carers and givers, technologist, engineers, creators and in some cases destroyers, composers, cognisors, activist, and many other labels. We are not just the negative labels people so often deem upon us. We are a variety of labels, all shoved together into one single human form for each individual artist. Artists are not one entity, we are multiple. Now why are people so afraid to hear these answers? Is it because they do not want to get into a debate about issues or objects the artist has done months and months of research on? Or could it be because people have already stereotyped us as being individuals who have paid money to paint, draw, create pottery, etc. which could have been done on their spare time? Not all artists have paid money to receive an education to become an artist in a particular medium. There are several artists who have taught themselves and are highly recognized for these skills of their own. So why the labels? I assume people do this to go along with the crowd of main stream society to fit in or to make their own assuming judgement on the people who are trying to make a living just as they are. Artists are individuals just as much as the next person who walks past you. Labeling makes the world a very small place, with narrow minded individuals who cannot see past their own self worth to see what an artists self worth is as well. We as people need to stop living in a bubble of self recognition and stop the labeling of others. Maybe this is why we have so many issues within society between individuals, races, nations and such, we label people. Can this be solved or do we need to wait on our world leaders to realize this pointed fact for others to realize. Ok, now I am just going on a rant there. My point is, artists are people. We should not be label with negativity based upon who others hear and what they see in the main stream news. Let's broaden our minds, open them to what people can truly be and do, not what others are saying and telling. EndFragment

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